Friday, September 23, 2005

God, I'm so compassionate...

New job starting in a month after today's successful interview. I will be moving on from sitting in the office at the hostel and waiting for situations, keyworking clients, etc., to come to me. Instead I will be roaming the streets looking for homeless people so I can provide support/be assaulted/(insert your own mishap here). There will also be the late night/early morning head counts of rough sleepers. Hmmm. Forgot to ask at interview how often bodies get found...
The regular 9-5 working hours each week (besides the odd head-count shift) means I can socialise again. Maybe. If the house doesn't need yet more stuff done to it. I can also resume regular Aikido training. I seem to have become one of the many who disappear from the Dojo after getting their Black Belt. I can't really afford to stop training though, what with putting myself in harms way and all.
Hopefully the regular shift pattern will mean I can also surf the inter-bollocks for amusing and bizarre web-links that my friends find for their blogs. Just working out how to customise my own would be a start.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ah, why not?

Since most other people I know seem to be positing their opinion and observations upon me via the medium of inter-bollocks, I thought I'd send some ether-based crap back to them. Better out than in I suppose.
Which reminds me... Last week I was off work with Gastritis. I found myself foolishly trying to get to the bus stop at 7am, whereupon I vomited into the gutter infront of a half-dozen commuters. Raising a hand I said "It's OK, I work with homeless people" and then nearly shat myself laughing.