Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Twitch twitch. Squirt.

I just had to post this at it amused me so much. I was in (ptui) Ikea recently, and after going partially mad from lack of natural sunlight and sensory overload I partook of one of their delightful hot dogs. In the elevator on the way down to the car park a militant veggie teenager was berrating her parents, who had also had a hot dog each.
" You know that it's minced up pig's eyes and trotters and testicles don't you?" The strained expressions on the parents faces were glorious. I couldn't help myself and muttered "Mmm. Hog fat." She turned and looked at me. I then said " If you minced up a human and stuck it in the pig's trough, the pig really wouldn't care. The mafia used to get rid of people like that." Luckily the lift doors opened at that point and I legged it. Teehee.

Limp. Rattle. Limp. Rattle.

This Blog is not yet dead. Limping badly and having severe breathing problems, mind you, but not yet dead. Time is very abstract indeed at the moment and I either don't have enough of it to post or haven't got the headspace left at the end of the day.
Work is arse-clenchingly bad and whilst I'm assured that my job is safe (my contract had been renewed two days before the 'merger' was announced) the jobs of my colleagues are not. This means that
very shortly I will probably be supporting an entirely new team and a new manager and trying to get everyone up to speed. If I fail, the statistics drop and we face losing the contract with the council. To be honest, I don't trust my employers as far as I can shit, and am looking for alternative employment anyway. Hopefully something rather less stressful so that my health might improve a bit.
This Blog will twitch again shortly.